Mikaela Vanator

Ministry Support Coordinator

Originally from Kentwood, Michigan, I started attending church after my mom became a believer when I was in early elementary school. In fifth grade, I accepted Jesus after an AWANA homework assignment had me draw the difference between heaven and hell. I felt the call to make my faith my own the summer after high school and chose to be baptized - I’ve never been the same! I headed off to college (CMU) where Jesus captured my heart deeply through the ministry, His House. There I studied Instrumental Music Education and Viola Performance, met my now husband, Joey, and grew in my love for Jesus and the local church. I learned so much about how necessary life in community with other believers is. In June of 2017, Joey and I were married and started attending CHCC. It immediately felt like home. We were grateful to join the worship team and spend time volunteering with the youth and young adult ministries. In January 2022, after a season of miscarriage and infertility, Joey and I welcomed our son, Cooper. Thank you Jesus. 

The last five years I worked as a Middle School Orchestra and Band teacher for East Lansing Public Schools. In May of 2023, God called me into full time ministry (totally unexpected, but I’m so grateful) and I stepped into working at CHCC as the Ministry Support Coordinator and assisting my husband with the Youth Group! Jesus is my hope and joy - life is so much sweeter with Him at the helm! 

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