Joey Vanator

Youth Director

Hi there! My name is Joey Vanator. Youth Ministry has been an important part of my life for most of my living memory. I grew up in the CHCC youth group, attended summer camp throughout my childhood and it was through youth ministry that I was led to Christ. I went on to serve in camp ministry throughout college and began assisting with the CHCC youth group in 2017. I have thoroughly enjoyed working and playing with your kids and am excited to serve in the role as CHCC Youth Director. It’s my mission to share the same opportunities that I had with your kids, particularly learning about the love and life that our Lord has in store for us.
In 2017, I married Mikaela and moved back to Olivet after college. We welcomed our son, Cooper, in 2022. If I am not at the church or hanging with kids, I am often out in the woods. I am an avid hunter/gatherer/conservationist, and dirt bike enthusiast. I particularly love grouse and deer hunting, and trail riding dirt bikes. I help operate a club that manages the public dirt bike trails throughout the state. I’m excited to share my love of the outdoors with my son. 

As Youth Director, I am able to walk alongside parents and kids, growing together in our knowledge of our Lord and His Word. I only get limited time with your kids, but want to help them grow the tools to mature in Christ and live a life pleasing to Him. It is my hope that every kid graduates high school equipped to pursue Jesus during their formative young adult years and have some fun along the way. If you have any questions, or just want to chat you can always reach out to Mikaela or myself.

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